JAIN, KAMAL K. Conservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings: A Report on the Tokyo Seminar, v.16-17 (1983-84), p 95-97

JAIN, KAMAL K; SINGH, TEJ; SAXENA, VIMAL K. Comparative Evaluation of Chemical Formulations Used for Rust Stain Removal from Marble, v.21 (1988), p 42-46

JAIN, R K. Chemical Treatment of Vishwanath Temple, Khajuraho, v.9 (1976), p 63-66

JAIN, RITU. Making of Japanese Hand Made Paper, v.30 (1997), p 196-199

JAMWAL, R S. Lime Mortars for Historical Buildings, v.29 (1996), p 158-163

JANASKA, PETER K. Some Impression about the Conservation and Restoration Work in Hungary, v.16-17 (1983-84), p 169-170

JANPOSRI, KULPANTHA. Conservation of Cultural Property in Thailand, v.8 (1975), p 33-34

JAYANTI, SUSHMA. Cellulolytic Activity of Some Microfungi on Ancient Paper Materials, v.29 (1996), p 242-249

JEYARAJ, V. Technical Study of Selected Kalamkari Textiles of Government Museum, Madras, v.14-15 (1981-82), p 86-89

JEYARAJ, V. Some Technical Aspects of the Conservation of British Oil Paintings on Canvas, v.16-17 (1983-84), p 45-48

JEYARAJ, V. Use of Sodium Chlorite-Formaldehyde Mixture in Conservation: Some Case Studies, v.18-20 (1985-87), p 41-44

JEYARAJ, V. Analysis of Some Indian Bronzes, v.21 (1988), p 64-68

JEYARAJ, V. Study of Silver and Copper Punch-marked Coins, v.24 (1991), p 41-46

JEYARAJ, V. Susceptibility to Deterioration and the Strategy for the Preservation of Amaravati Limestone Structures, v.27 (1994), p 120-129

JEYARAJ, V. Study on the Wall Paintings at Chitra Sabha, Courtalam, v.28 (1995), p 113-120

JEYARAJ, V. Report on the Proposed Conservation of the National Art Gallery Building at Government Museum, Chennai, v.29 (1996), p 135-139

JEYARAJ, V. Characterization of Bronze Icons in the Government Museum, Chennai, v.30 (1997), p 182-191

JEYARAJ, V; CHAUDHURY, M RAY. Care of Water Colour Painting on Leather, v.18-20 (1985-87), p 107-108

JEYARAJ, V; PAUL, AGNES. Common Defects and Corrosion Types in Metallic Antiquities by Metallography, v.22 (1989), p 54-65

JEYARAJ, V; PAUL, AGNES. Study of the Corrosion and the Technology of Lead Coins from Andipatti, Tamil Nadu, v.25 (1992), p 69-76

JHA, SANJAY KUMAR; BURDHAN, ANAND. Classical Indian Concept of Environmental Protection and Art Preservation, v.27 (1994), p 58-61

JOSHI, BINDUVASINI. Art Paper: Some Problems of Its Preservation, v.24 (1991), p 114-115

JOSHI, BINDUVASINI R. Preservation of Palm-leaf Manuscripts, v.22 (1989), p 120-127

JOSHI, YASHODHARA. Care and Preservation of Newspaper, v.31 (1998), p 148-155


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